• Survey on Digital Scholarship

    If you are a scholar, teacher, librarian, curator, or other interested researcher working in history of science, we would like your opinions on a survey about digital scholarship in history of science. I especially encourage people who are not affiliated with the History of Science Society and scholars and others from outside of North America….

  • Introducing Julia Damerow

    Today, I want to introduce another member of the IsisCB team: Julia Damerow, the programmer in charge of developing the code for the Explore service. Julia started working on the IsisCB project in the late summer of 2015, when I contracted the consulting firm A Place Called Up to build the system that would manage…

  • The Timeline for IsisCB Explore

    The Timeline for IsisCB Explore

    This week we made public a new timeline feature for IsisCB Explore. The timeline is currently visible only on the authority record layouts. Below I’ll explain how to find these timelines and suggest some possible uses for them to help your searches. (Users who would like to go directly to the tutorial slideshow, go here;…

  • The IsisCB, a Collaborative Bibliography

    The IsisCB, a Collaborative Bibliography

    Last year witnessed some exciting changes in the IsisCB. As reported in the most recent HSS Newsletter, I now have new collaborators, scholars in the field who are working with me to enrich the content of the bibliography. I’ve started two different kinds of collaborations. First, I’ve begun working with Bruce Seely, a historian of…

  • History of Chemistry in Spain

    By Stephen P. Weldon and Birutė Railienė. As part of our effort to encourage more people to add open access content and context to the Isis Bibliography, we have been working with colleagues to collect specialist knowledge to be incorporated into the Explore database. One of us (Railienė) asked historians of chemistry from different countries to send…

  • Internet neutrality

    Today, I joined a national campaign to maintain internet neutrality, a critical rule that ensures that the internet remains open and accessible to everyone without regard to income. If it becomes possible for internet providers (ISPs) to charge differently for different kinds of services, then the real possibility exists that the IsisCB and sites like…

  • Call for Citations — We accept all formats

    If you have citations that you think should be in the IsisCB, please send them to us in any format: email text, CV, or any standard electronic bibliographic file (Zotero RDF preferred). Send records to isisbibliography@gmail.com. We are humans! So as long as you use a bibliographic standard that we can recognize, we can put it in…

  • Recent News — July 2017

    Recent News — July 2017

    There have been a number of changes in the IsisCB since last fall. It will be easiest to simply enumerate them and provide a short description. First, the 2016 Isis Current Bibliography was published this past month. It is smaller than normal because we have had to build an entirely new curation interface to go…

  • THATCampHSS 2016

    THATCampHSS 2016

    The History of Science Society sponsored its third THATCamp this year at the Society’s annual meeting. About eighteen people showed up on Sunday morning, the last day of the conference, to explore how to better use and develop digital scholarship. We covered everything from how to use Zotero, to organizing mountains of digital files in…

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