
Transactions of the IsisCB is a new experimental publication as of March 2024. With the end of the printed annual bibliography—the 2023 IsisCB was the last—this bi-weekly digest is meant to keep you up to date with recent literature and emergent trends in the field.

Our goal is to recreate the newsletter-like feel of the printed Current Bibliography. Each issue will feature notable citations from our collection of recent entries, point you to themes we spot in the discipline, and highlight some of the contributors who help to make the CB possible. 

Our goal is to alternate between citation-heavy issues and those that are more thematic in nature. We hope these “transactions” will be useful and look forward to your feedback! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are topics you would like to see covered, points in need of correction, or if you would like to chime in as a guest author or editor. You can reach us at isisbibliography [at]

Issues of Transactions