Bound theses in a library

Transactions of the IsisCB: Dissertations

Issue 1.8

We are taking a slightly different approach to this issue of the newsletter, surveying recent dissertations about the history of science instead of books and articles. The CB staff have been working hard to ingest all of the dissertations on the subject of “Science History” in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database—they are caught up with that considerable task as of this writing.

I have done a light analysis of the topics and issues dissertation-writers have taken on in the last ten years, which has surfaced some interesting trends. Overall, projects related to medicine and the body have been popular. Between 2014 and 2019, there was fairly strong overlap between philosophy and the history of science. This seems to have shifted in the last five years towards interdisciplinary interface with STS and literary studies. While most projects in the database continue to focus on sites in Europe and North America, China and, more recently, India have emerged as top geographic foci as well. Finally, the total number of dissertations related to our field in ProQuest has dropped fairly significantly in the last five years: from over 500 in the period between 2014 and 2019 to about half that number between 2019 and today.

These figures are undoubtedly low, making it hard to interpret the trends I have just described. The downward trend in the total number of dissertations likely reflects a move away from ProQuest (a commercial publishing system), towards the use of university repositories instead. Using the ProQuest data also biases the bibliography strongly towards projects completed at North American institutions, as you will be able to see from the citations at the end of the newsletter.

Charts comparing top dissertation subject tags.

Comparison of the top subject tags for “Science History” dissertations, 2014-2019 and 2019-2024.

A Call to Action

We believe it is important to be more inclusive, and we need your help to work towards this goal (Lisa Tagliaferri makes compelling points in favor of “highly available dissertations” in this recent essay). As we outline on the website of our new dissertation initiative, the IsisCB simply does not have enough resources to seek out all of the dissertations listed in individual university catalogs. We need you, dear citizen bibliographer!

If you have recently completed a dissertation that was not indexed by ProQuest; if you are affiliated with a graduate program that doesn’t use it; or if you are just looking for a new historiographic project, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at isisbibliography[at]gmail[dot]com so that we can get you set up with the Zotero library for this project. The background, technical details, and further justification are, again, provided here. Thank you so much!

—Judy Kaplan, Editor

Jonathon Erlen: In Memoriam

Although it has been more than two years since his passing, I want to take this time to recognize the historian of medicine Jonathon Erlen who served unofficially as our discipline’s master bibliographer for recent dissertations.

I met Jonathon soon after I started as HSS bibliographer in 2002. He wrote to me directly about his work collecting and collating recent dissertations, which he culled from Dissertation Abstracts, the comprehensive abstracting service created by University Microforms International (UMI). Knowing the importance of the CB to history of science, he asked if he could be of help by sending me periodically the citations and abstracts of the dissertations he ran across relevant to history of science. I, of course, enthusiastically said yes.

Erlen was curator of the History of Medicine Collection at the Falk Library at the University of Pittsburgh and in that capacity was scanning Dissertation Abstracts for history of medicine and related material. He offered to extend his search for theses in history of science as well.

His method was painstaking and meticulous: he would go to the library and pull out each volume of the printed abstracts—and continued to do this for many years even after those abstracts became digital files in ProQuest—and then scanned each page looking for relevant theses. His discovery process was important because it picked up dissertations that were not necessarily indexed for easy discovery in our field. (There are many dissertations written about history of science, for example, that don’t have the tag “Science History,” and Erlen’s methodical scans found them.) As he read through the abstracts, he would mark relevant ones for inclusion in one or more lists he was creating for different subfields in our discipline.

Over the years his work paid off. His dissertations lists appeared in a wide range of journals: Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, History of Psychiatry, the Journal of the History of Sexuality, Pharmacy in History, American Indian Quarterly, the Journal of Women’s History, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, and Review of Disability Studies, among others. In addition, he sent his lists to me and other bibliographers and journal editors so that we could add these hand-curated bibliographies to our own projects.

Erlen was a thoughtful and caring person, and I never failed to receive a Christmas card from him with updates both professional and personal. He will be missed, and HSTM has lost a valuable member of our community.

—Stephen P. Weldon

Featured Books

Here are three recent books on different kinds of academic evaluation. In various ways, they all explore student responses—even resistance—to being tested.

Featured Articles

These articles analyze dissertations to better understand social and conceptual dynamics of science and medicine. We hope to be able to support similar, robust analyses of work in the history of science with contributions from you!


Here are all of the dissertations tagged with “Science History” in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database from the last five years. Hearty congratulations to all!

2019 — (90 citations)

Abee, Michele D.. “The Mercator Projection: Its Uses, Misuses, and Its Association with Scientific Information and the Rise of Scientific Societies.” Advisor: . The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2019).

Americo, Maria. “An Analysis of Ninth-Century Reception of Claudius Ptolemy’s Astronomy in the Arabic Tradition.” Advisor: Alexander Jones and Robert Hoyland. New York University (2019).

Avery, Shane Patrick. “Popular Geography Writing in America, 1783–1888.” Advisor: Elisabeth D. Lasch-Quinn. Syracuse University (2019).

Ayers, Elaine . “Strange Beauty: Botanical Collecting, Preservation, and Display in the Nineteenth Century Tropics.” Advisor: D. Graham Burnett and Erika Lorraine Milam. Princeton University (2019).

Beardsley, Amanda. “Celestial Mechanics: Technologies of Salvation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and American Culture.” Advisor: Thomas R. McDonough and Pamela G. Smart. State University of New York at Binghamton (2019).

Bellis, Richard T. . “Making Anatomical Knowledge About Disease in Late Georgian Britain, from Dissection Table to the Printed Book and Beyond : Matthew Baillie’s ‘Morbid Anatomy’ and Its Accompanying Engravings.” Advisor: . University of Leeds (United Kingdom (2019).

Berry, Chelsea. “Poisoned Relations: Medicine, Sorcery, and Poison Trials in the Contested Atlantic, 1680-1850.” Advisor: Alison Games. Georgetown University (2019).

Blakley, Christopher. “Inhuman Empire: Slavery and Nonhuman Animals in the British Atlantic World.” Advisor: James Delbourgo. Rutgers University (2019).

Burton, Chase Smith. “Republican Monsters: The Cultural Construction of American Positivist Criminology, 1767-1920.” Advisor: Christopher Tomlins. University of California, Berkeley (2019).

Carson, Sarah. “Ungovernable Winds: The Weather Sciences in South Asia, 1864-1945.” Advisor: Gyan Prakash. Princeton University (2019).

Cassidy, Patrick . “The Resonance of Exploration.” Advisor: Corey Campion. Hood College (2019).

Chatterjee, Sria. “Naturing the Nation: Art and Design in India, 1870s–1970s.” Advisor: Rachael Z. DeLue. Princeton University (2019).

Choi, Esther Miriam . “The Organization of Life: Architecture and the Life Sciences in Britain, 1921-1951.” Advisor: Spyros Papapetros. Princeton University (2019).

Christensen, Alice R.. “Touching Temperature: Questions of Measurement and Feeling, 1870-1930.” Advisor: Daniel Heller-Roazen and Michael W. Jennings. Princeton University (2019).

Clark, Katelyn. “The Early Pianoforte School in London’s Musical World, 1785–1800: Technology, Market, Gender, and Style.” Advisor: Caryl Clark. University of Toronto (2019).

Dahn, Ryan. “The Forgotten Founder of Quantum Mechanics: The Science and Politics of Physicist Pascual Jordan, 1902–1980.” Advisor: Robert John Richards. University of Chicago (2019).

Diaz, Roberto Jesus . “Scientific Islanders: Pacific Peoples, American Scientists, and the Desire to Understand the World, 1800-1860.” Advisor: Brad J. Cartwright. The University of Texas at El Paso (2019).

Dorsch, Kate . “Reliable Witnesses, Crackpot Science: UFO Investigations in Cold War America, 1947-1977.” Advisor: Mary Susan Lindee. University of Pennsylvania (2019).

Evans, Jazmin Antwynette. “Scientific Racism’s Role in the Social Thought of African Intellectual, Moral, and Physical Inferiority.” Advisor: Kimani S. K. Nehusi. Temple University (2019).

Falcone, Michael Alan. “The Rocket’s Red Glare: Global Power and the Rise of American State Technology, 1940-1960.” Advisor: Daniel Immerwahr. Northwestern University (2019).

Fix, Adam. “Sensible Mathematics: The Science of Music in the Age of the Baroque.” Advisor: Victor D. Boantza. University of Minnesota (2019).

Flow, Christian Bradley . “Writing the Thesaurus of Latinity: A Study in the History of Philological Practice.” Advisor: Anthony T. Grafton. Princeton University (2019).

Folland, Johanna. “Globalizing Socialist Health: Africa, East Germany, and the AIDS Crisis.” Advisor: Geoff Eley. University of Michigan (2019).

Foster, Shawn Xiaoyan-Lu. “Transferring Western Medical Professional Institutions to China – Riding with Missions and Dismissing Native Medicine, 1807-1937: Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Changsha.” Advisor: Sally G. Kohlstedt. University of Minnesota (2019).

Franz, Marisa Karyl. “A Gathering of Names: On the Categories and Collections of Siberian Shamanic Materials in Late Imperial Russian Museum, 1880-1910.” Advisor: Pamela E. Klassen. University of Toronto (2019).

Fulkerson-Dikuua, Kelly Jo. “[Un]informed Consent: Eugenics, Forced Sterilization and Medical Violence in the Jim Crow United States and Apartheid Southern Africa.” Advisor: Simone Drake. The Ohio State University Press (2019).

Gardner, Lin. “Mechanising the Needle: The Development of the Sewing Machine as a Manufacturing Tool, 1851-1980.” Advisor: . University of Glasgow (United Kingdom) (2019).

George, Joppan. “Airborne Colony: Culture and Politics of Aviation in India, 1910-1939.” Advisor: Emily Ann Thompson and Gyan Prakash. Princeton University (2019).

Gimse, Geoffrey . “Culture and Code: The Evolution of Digital Architecture and the Formation of Networked Publics.” William M. KeithUniversity of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (2019).

Goffman, Laura F.. “Medical Frontiers: Health, Empire, and Society in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula, 1862-1959.” Advisor: Judith E. Tucker. Georgetown University (2019).

Green, Elspeth . “Popular Science and Modernist Poetry.” Advisor: Joshua Kotin. Princeton University (2019).

Green, Patrice R. . “For the Common Man: An Analysis of the United States Space and Rocket Center.” Advisor: Allison Marsh. University of South Carolina (2019).

Greene, Molly Anderson . “Deluge: On the Female Animal.” Advisor: Sally M. Promey. Yale University (2019).

Guo, Jinsong . “Knowing Number: Mathematics, Astronomy, and the Changing Culture of Learning in Middle-Period China, 1100–1300.” Advisor: Benjamin A. Elman. Princeton University (2019).

Holloway, Joshua T. . “Help, Hinder, or Hesitate: American Nuclear Policy toward the French and Chinese Nuclear Weapons Programs, 1961-1976.” Advisor: Walter E. Grunden. Bowling Green State University (2019).

Holmberg, Megan E. . “Anomalous Apparitions of Light in Colonial America: Visions of Comets, New Stars, the Aurora Borealis, and Rainbows.” Advisor: Miles Orvell. Temple University (2019).

Horwitz, Rainey . “How Factors like 1800’s Gender Expectations, Misconceptions, and Moral Traditions Shaped US Women’s Reproductive Medical Care.” Advisor: Jane A. Maienschein. Arizona State University (2019).

Howell, Emily L.. “Science & the Authoritarian: Deference to Scientific Authority & How It Disables Democratic Deliberation on Controversial Science Issues.” Advisor: Dietram A. Scheufele. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2019).

Hu, Zhuqing. “From Ut Re Mi to Fourteen-Tone Temperament: The Global Acoustemologies of an Early Modern Chinese Tuning Reform.” Advisor: Martha Feldman. University of Chicago (2019).

James, Kirsten. “The Science of Scent and Business of Perfume in Paris and London, 1650–1815.” Advisor: Paul Cohen. University of Toronto (2019).

Jensen, Amanda. “Universal Music, Universal Magic: Esoteric Thought in Athanasius Kircher’s Musurgia Universalis.” Advisor: Giovanni Zanovello. Indiana University (2019).

Jirik, Katrina N.. “American Institutions for the Feeble-Minded, 1876-1916.” Advisor: Sally Gregory Kohlstedt and Jennifer Gunn. University of Minnesota (2019).

Johns, David Merritt . “Good Evidence, Bad Evidence: Science, Ethics, and the Politics of Making and Unmaking Public Health Policies.” Advisor: Ronald Bayer. Columbia University (2019).

Johnston, Sky Michael. “Weathering Early Modern Germany: Vernacular Meteorology, Pastoral Theology, and Communal Life in the Long Sixteenth Century.” Advisor: Ulrike Strasser and Robert S. Westman. University of California, San Diego (2019).

Jylkka, Katja . “Speculating Science: Nature, Narrative, and the Cryptozoological Imagination.” Advisor: Kathleen Frederickson. University of California, Davis (2019).

Kindell, Christopher Steven. “The Sanitary Sieve: Public Health, Infectious Diseases, and the Urbanization of Honolulu, c. 1850–1914.” Advisor: Matthew Briones. The University of Chicago Press (2019).

LaFay, Elaine Rose. “Afflictions of the Tropics’ Brink: Medicine, Meteorology, and the Cultivation of Place in the Antebellum Gulf South.” Advisor: David Barnes and Beth Linker. University of Pennsylvania (2019).

Lee, Daniel D.. “Making Experience Literate: Poetry and New Science in Early Modern England.” Advisor: Benedict Robinson. State University of New York at Stony Brook (2019).

Lorek, Timothy W.. “Developing Paradise: Agricultural Science in the Conflicted Landscapes of Colombia’s Cauca Valley, 1927-1967.” Advisor: Gilbert M. Joseph. Yale University (2019).

Malagon, Carolina Isabel. “Phlogisticated Relations: Lichtenberg and Ritter’s Readings of Chemistry.” Advisor: Michael D. Gordin and Joseph Vogl. Princeton University (2019).

Mann, Rachel . “Women’s Writing and The Poetics of Scientific Knowledge, 1620-1740.” Advisor: Michael Gavin. University of South Carolina (2019).

Martin, Shawn. “The Power Of Science: Origins Of American Scholarly Communication, 1840 – 1900.” Advisor: John Walsh. Indiana University (2019).

Mas, Catherine. “The Culture Brokers: Medicine and Anthropology in Global Miami, 1960-1995.” Advisor: Naomi Rogers. Yale University (2019).

Mayo, Tyler. “Research and Experiment in Early Greek Thought.” Advisor: Francesca Schironi. University of Michigan (2019).

Miller, Emelin . “Empire of Ice: Arctic Natural History and British Visions of the North, 1500-1800.” Advisor: Susan D. Jones and Jole R. Shackelford. University of Minnesota (2019).

Misiewicz, Zoë . “John Lydus and Mesopotamian Celestial Omens in Late Antiquity.” Advisor: Alexander Jones. New York University (2019).

Modell, Amanda R. . “Hearing Heredity: Sound, Music, and Evolution in the Twentieth-Century U.S..” Advisor: Christina Grace Cogdell. University of California, Davis (2019).

Moraes, Amanda Guarino. “Treating Hunger: Medical Expertise, Nutritional Science, and the Development of Technical Food Solutions.” Rebecca ManleyQueen’s University (2019).

Mullane, Matthew . “World Observation: Itō Chūta and the Making of Architectural Knowledge in Modern Japan, Volume I.” Advisor: Spyros Papapetros and Federico Marcon. Princeton University (2019).

Murdock, Jaimie . “Topic Modeling the Reading and Writing Behavior of Information Foragers.” Advisor: Colin Allen and Stasa Milojevic. Indiana University (2019).

Nadmi, Mustapha. “A Significant Step toward the Development of Algebra: Al-Samawʾal Ibn Yahya Al-Maghribi, a Twelfth Century Mathematician.” Alexander KarpColumbia University (2019).

Navon, Joshua . “The Making of Modern Musical Expertise: German Conservatories and Music Education, 1843-1933.” Advisor: Walter M. Frisch. Columbia University (2019).

Nickrand, Jessica. “The Detroit Medical Center: Race and Renewal in the Motor City.” Advisor: Dominique Avril Tobbell. University of Minnesota (2019).

O’Neil, Sean Thomas. “The Art of Signs: Symbolic Notation and Visual Thinking in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1800.” Advisor: Pamela H. Smith. Columbia University (2019).

Pastryk, Linda D. . “Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Youth, Seminary, and the Controversy at Lourdes.” Advisor: Sean O’Callaghan. Salve Regina University (2019).

Petitjean, Beth Ann. “The Baths and the Medici: Taking the Waters in Grand Ducal Tuscany, 1537–1790.” Advisor: Philip R. Gavitt. Saint Louis University (2019).

Pfender, Joseph William. “Oblique Music: American Tape Experimentalism and Peripheral Cultures of Technology, 1887 and 1950.” Advisor: Brigid Cohen. New York University (2019).

Piilonen, Miriam Shulman. “Resonating Subjects: Music and Emotion in Victorian Evolutionary Thought.” Advisor: Mark J. Butler. Northwestern University (2019).

Robbins, Amy S. . “Experimental Expertise: Glass at the Intersection of Art and Science.” Advisor: Pamela G. Smart. State University of New York at Binghamton (2019).

Sabo, Garth Jerome . “Gut Feelings: Human Waste and Signs of Health in 20th- and 21st-century Literature.” Advisor: Scott Michaelsen and Patrick O’Donnell. Michigan State University (2019).

Schlein, Deborah. “Medicine without Borders: Ṭibb and the Asbāb Tradition in Mughal and Colonial India.” Advisor: Michael A Cook. Princeton University (2019).

Schweig, Alexander. “Tracking Technology and Society along the Ottoman Anatolian Railroad, 1890–1914.” Advisor: Linda T. Darling. The University of Arizona (2019).

Seitz, John Britton. “Science and the Steppe: Agronomists, Nomads, and the Settler Colony on the Kazakh Steppe, 1881-1917.” Advisor: James T. Andrews. Iowa State University (2019).

Shih, Ashanti Ke Ming. “Invasive Ecologies: Science and Settler Colonialism in Twentieth-Century Hawai‘i.” Advisor: Paul Sabin. Yale University (2019).

Shillito, Alex Benjamin . “How the Heart Became Muscle: From René Descartes to Nicolas Steno.” Advisor: Roger Ariew. University of South Florida (2019).

Shinnar, Shulamit . ““The Best of Doctors Go to Hell”: Rabbinic Medical Culture in Late Antiquity (200-600 CE).” Advisor: Beth Berkowitz. Columbia University (2019).

Silva, Kelly Bokosky. “To Serve and to Heal: Native Peoples, Government Physicians, and the Rise of a Federal Indian Health Care System, 1832-1883.” Advisor: Rachel Klein. University of California, San Diego (2019).

Snively, Samantha. “Making Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century England: Recipes, Writing, and Experimentation.” Advisor: Frances E Dolan. University of California, Davis (2019).

Stradiotto, Nicole . “The Canadian Science Advocacy Movement.” Advisor: Alessandro Delfanti. University of Toronto (2019).

Thompson, Samantha Michelle . “The Carnegie Image Tube Committee and the Development of Electronic Imaging Devices in Astronomy, 1953-1976.” Karin Ellison and Jameson Michael WetmoreArizona State University (2019).

Vollgraff, Matthew H. . “The Science of Expression: Ausdruckskunde and Bodily Knowledge in German Modernist Culture.” Advisor: Michael W. Jennings and Sigrid Weigel. Princeton University (2019).

Wang, Jada . “Investigating the Current Status of Collegiate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Organizations via a National Survey Study and Tracing the History of Arizona State University EMS Department.” Advisor: Matthew K. Chew and Jane A. Maienschein. Arizona State University (2019).

Wardaki, Marjan Sarwar. “Knowledge-Migrants between South Asia and Europe: The Production of Technical and Scientific Ideas among Students and Scientists, 1919-1945.” Advisor: Nile Green and David Warren Sabean. University of California, Los Angeles (2019).

Warden, Paul Michael. “Yellow Fever in the Imagination and Development of an American New Orleans, 1793-1860.” Advisor: John Majewski. University of California, Santa Barbara (2019).

Washa, Quincy Marie . “Philosophical Saltpeter: The Origins and Influence of Gunpowder Technology and the Paracelsian Aerial Niter.” Advisor: Victor D. Boantza. University of Minnesota (2019).

Wersan, Kate E.. “Between the Calendar and the Clock, an Environmental History of American Timekeeping in the Nineteenth Century.” Advisor: William Cronon. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2019).

Whitehurst, John Robert. “Health Politics in Cold War America, 1953-1988.” Advisor: Ronald E. Doel. Florida State University (2019).

Wilkinson, Miles. “Creating Confidentiality: Physician-Patient Privilege and Medical Confidentiality in the United States, 1776–1975.” Advisor: James C. Mohr. University of Oregon (2019).

Zago, Silvia. “Conceptualizing Life after Death. The Evolution of the Concept of Duat and Related Notions in Egyptian Funerary Literature.” Advisor: . University of Toronto (2019).

Zou, Dongxin. “Socialist Medicine and Maoist Humanitarianism: Chinese Medical Missions to Algeria, 1963–1984.” Advisor: Eugenia Lean. Columbia University (2019).

2020 — (46 citations)

Abele, Celia. “Collecting Knowledge, Writing the World: An Enlightenment Project.” Advisor: Joanna Stalnaker. Columbia University (2020).

Adam, Luthfi. “Cultivating Power: Buitenzorg Botanic Garden and Empire-Building in the Netherlands East Indies, 1745-1917.” Advisor: Haydon Cherry. Northwestern University (2020).

Alekna, John Norman. “Reunified through Radio: Media, Technology, and Politics in Modern China 1923–1958.” Advisor: Janet Chen. Princeton University (2020).

Ansari, Mohammad Sadegh. “Pythagoras in Baghdad: Ṣafī Al-Dīn Al-Urmawī and the Science of Music in the Medieval Islamic World.” Advisor: George A. Saliba. Columbia University (2020).

Anthony, Matthew Hayden. “‘Surgical and Rigorous (Yet Always Fun)’: Science, Sport, and Community in American Birding, 1950-1980.” Advisor: Charles McGovern. The College of William and Mary (2020).

Babintseva, Ekaterina Igorevna. “Cyberdreams of the Information Age: Learning with Machines in the Cold War United States and the Soviet Union.” Advisor: Susan M. Lindee. University of Pennsylvania (2020).

Bamballi, Nicolás. “The Arabic Version of Galen’s De elementis ex Hippocratis sententia 1–5.” Advisor: William Royall Newman and John Walbridge. Indiana University (2020).

Brown, Woodrow D.. “”Finding Is the First Act”: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Discourse of Science.” Advisor: Cristanne Miller. State University of New York at Buffalo (2020).

Carlino, Philip. “Docile by Design: Commercial Furniture and the Education of American Bodies, 1840-1920.” Advisor: William D. Moore and Kim Sichel. Boston University (2020).

Colgrove, Clinton Allen. “Schools of Empires: The Role of Higher Education and Colonization in the American West and Japan.” Advisor: Michael Sean Reidy. Montana State University (2020).

Cornish, Gabrielle. “Sounding Socialist, Sounding Modern: Music, Technology, and Everyday Life in the Soviet Union, 1956-1975.” Advisor: Lisa Jakelski. University of Rochester (2020).

Daxenbichler, Maria. “Knowing the Uterus: The Role of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Abortion in the Professionalization of American Medicine, 1880-1920.” Advisor: Susan K. Cahn. State University of New York at Buffalo (2020).

DeFranco, Daniel J.. “A History of Human Physiology and 17th C. Philosophy: Descartes, Spinoza, and the Current State of Neuroscience.” Advisor: Richard Velkley. Tulane University (2020).

Dunning, David E.. “Writing the Rules of Reason: Notations in Mathematical Logic, 1847–1937.” Michael D. GordinPrinceton University (2020).

Edwell, Jennifer. “Origin Stories: The Rhetorical Ecology of American Birth Medicine.” Jordynn Marguerite Jack and Jane DanielewiczUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020).

Farris, Kimberly Paige. “The Incorporeal Scientific Method: Gender, Hybridity, and the Rise of Material Science in American Literature, 1840–1900.” Advisor: Eliza Richards. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020).

Gauchet, Thomas. “Une histoire politique du canal de Göta: Technique, infrastructure et pouvoirs en Europe du Nord (années 1790-1832) [A political history of Göta Canal: Technology, infrastructure and power in northern Europe (1790–1832)].” Advisor: . Sciences Po (2020).

Ghassemi, Sohrab. “Ibn al-Haytham and Scientific Method.” Advisor: Jonathan A.C. Brown. Georgetown University (2020).

Golaszewski, Devon. “Reproductive Labors: Women’s Expertise and Biomedical Authority in Mali, 1935-1999.” Advisor: Gregory Mann. Columbia University (2020).

Guimaraes, Danielle Abdon. “Poverty, Disease, and Port Cities: Global Exchanges in Hospital Architecture During the Age of Exploration.” Advisor: Tracy E. Cooper. Temple University (2020).

Holliday, Timothy Kent. “Morbid Sensations: Intimacy, Coercion, and Epidemic Disease in Philadelphia, 1793-1854.” Advisor: Kathleen M. Brown. University of Pennsylvania (2020).

Igra, Alma. “Farm to Pharmacy: Nutrition, Animals, and Governance in Britain 1870–1945.” Advisor: Susan Pedersen. Columbia University (2020).

Kruckenberg, Nicholas Anthony. “Nature and Man in the Works of Francis Bacon.” Advisor: John C. McCarthy. The Catholic University of America (2020).

Lee, Eunsoo. “Visual Agency in Euclid’s Elements: A Study of the Transmission of Visual Knowledge.” Advisor: Reviel Netz and Paula Findlen and Ken Saito and Susan Stephens. Stanford University (2020).

Levy, Moran. “Trial and Error: The Invention of Cancer Chemotherapy 1950–1980.” Advisor: Gil Eyal. Columbia University (2020).

Mächler, Alejandro Quintero. “Bleeding Nations: Blood Discourses and the Interpretation of Violence in Mid-Nineteenth Century Spanish America (1838-1870).” Advisor: Graciela Montaldo. Columbia University (2020).

Mangraviti, Max. “Light Beyond Modernity’s Long Shadow: Social and Medical Science in the Making of the ‘State’ of Guatemala, 1871-1900.” Advisor: Kevin Gosner and Martha Few. The University of Arizona (2020).

McCullough, D. O.. ““Distinct from the School Experience” The Development of Pedagogical Authority through Teacher Programs at the American Museum of Natural History, 1880–1962.” Advisor: John L. Rudolph. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2020).

McQueeney, Kevin. “The City that Care Forgot: Apartheid Health Care, Racial Health Disparity, and Black Health Activism in New Orleans, 1718-2018.” Advisor: Marcia Chatelain. Georgetown University (2020).

Osibodu, Oyemolade Omoyosola. “Embodying Ubuntu, Invoking Sankofa, and Disrupting with Fela: A Co-Exploration of Social Issues and Critical Mathematics Education with Sub-Saharan African Youth.” Advisor: . Michigan State University (2020).

Prince, Alexandra. “Religion and Madness: Contests over Faith and Insanity in the American Cultural Imaginary, 1840-1920.” Advisor: Michael Allen Rembis. State University of New York at Buffalo (2020).

Qizhi, Yanan. “Dream Culture in Early Modern Lutheranism, 1530-1730.” Advisor: . Pennsylvania State University Press (2020).

Reeves, Matthew Arthur. “Making the Frontier’s Anatomical Engineers: Osteopathy, A. T. Still (1828–1917), His Acolytes and Patients.” Advisor: Lynda S. Payne. University of Missouri (2020).

Richardson, Kevin H.. “Scientific Wastelands and Toxic Utopias: The New Environmentalism of 1970s Japan.” Advisor: William Arthur Marotti. University of California, Los Angeles (2020).

Rowen, Jonah. “Materials, Labor, and Apprehension: Building for the Threat of Fire Across the Nineteenth-century British Atlantic.” Advisor: Reinhold Martin. Columbia University (2020).

Sands, Lachlan W.. “The Emergence of Modernity in the Early Aerospace Industry 1950-1970.” Advisor: Daniel Lewis. The Claremont Graduate University (2020).

Shaw, Vivian. “The Anatomy of Acupuncture.” Advisor: . University of Wales, Bangor (United Kingdom (2020).

Stephenson, Ethan Taylor. “Automata in the Victorian Imagination: Fictional Responses to Industrialization, Technology, and Human Perfectibility.” Advisor: Scott R. McEathron. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (2020).

Sullivan, Evan P.. “Making Good: World War I, Disability, and the Senses in American Rehabilitation.” Advisor: Rick Fogarty. State University of New York at Albany (2020).

Tamao, Shuko. “Memories of Asylums: A Narrative Examination of Postwar State Hospital Experiences.” Advisor: Michael Allen Rembis. State University of New York at Buffalo (2020).

Welk-Joerger, Nicole . “Feeding Others to Feed Ourselves: Animal Nutrition and the Politics of Health, 1900–2019.” Etienne Samuel Benson and Beth LinkerUniversity of Pennsylvania (2020).

Woolner, Maia Isabelle. “Time to Cure: Psychiatry, Psychology, and Speed in Modern France, c.1880s—1930s.” Laure Murat and Theodore M. PorterUniversity of California, Los Angeles (2020).

Yen, Fei-Fei. “History of Wulin Grand Gathering of “Active Aging, Enhancing Capacity”: An Example of Nationwide Senior Welfare Organization Game.” Advisor: . National Taiwan University (2020).

Yerlioğlu, Akif Ercihan. “Paracelsus Goes East: Ottoman “New Medicine” and its Afterlife.” Advisor: Cemal Kafadar. Harvard University (2020).

Yero, Farren Elizabeth. “Laboratories of Consent: Vaccine Science in the Spanish Atlantic World, 1779-1840.” Advisor: Peter H. Sigal. Duke University (2020).

Yi, Yuan. “Malfunctioning Machinery: the Global Making of Chinese Cotton Mills, 1877-1937.” Eugenia LeanColumbia University (2020).

2021 — (72 citations)

Agostini, Caterina. “Scientific Thinking and Narrative Discourse in Early Modern Italy.” Advisor: Laura Sanguineti White. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2021).

Allen, Meagan Selby. “Roger Bacon’s Medical Alchemy: Medieval Pharmacology and the Prolongatio Vitae.” Advisor: William Royall Newman. Indiana University (2021).

Ascher, James Phillip. “Reading for Enlightenment in the Beginning of Philosophical Transactions.” Advisor: Cynthia Wall and Vander Meulen. University of Virginia (2021).

Assali, Hadeel. “Prophecies of Palestine: Geology and Intimate Knowledge of the Subterranean.” Advisor: Mahmood Mamdani. Columbia University (2021).

Banulescu, Sultana. “Italian Psyche and Society: Politics and Networks in Italian Mind and Brain Science and Medicine, 1919–1939.” Advisor: . City University New York (2021).

Bender, Maddie. “Without a Trace: Is Technology the Next Stage in Contact Tracing’s Evolution?.” Advisor: Danya Keene. Yale University (2021).

Biggs, Adam. “The Newest Negroes: Black Doctors and the Desegregation of Harlem Hospital, 1919-1935.” Advisor: Evelynn Maxine Hammonds. Harvard University (2021).

Bisi, Giovanni. “The Biology of Mario Canella: Science, Politics, and Racism in the Age of Italian Fascism.” Advisor: Sander Joel Gliboff. Indiana University (2021).

Bolman, Brad. “The Voyage of the Scientific Beagle: Dogs in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences.” Advisor: Peter Galison and David S. Jones. Harvard University (2021).

Bonczyk, Patrick David-Jung. ““Wond’rous Machines”: How Eighteenth-Century Harpsichords Managed the Human-Animal, Human-Machine Boundaries.” Advisor: Mitchell B. Morris. University of California, Los Angeles (2021).

Bullins, Adelia T.. “How Did the Unique Center for Medical Ultrasound Form at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center?.” Advisor: Frederick Kremkau. Wake Forest University (2021).

Bundy, Jason Nyerere. “Replaying Life’s Virtual Tape: Examining the Role of History in Experiments with Digital Organisms.” Advisor: Richard E. Lenski. Michigan State University (2021).

Buse, Katherine. “How to Build a Planet: Science Fiction, Planetary Science, and the Making of Worlds.” Advisor: Colin Milburn. University of California, Davis (2021).

Choy, Kum Hee. “Neuro Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Pioneer to Overcome the Limits of Machine Learn.” Advisor: Yezhou Yang. Arizona State University (2021).

Coale, Amy Lynn. “Portholes into a New World: The Contributions of Marine Studios, Florida to American Popular and Scientific Understanding of Marine Life.” Advisor: Ronald E. Doel. Florida State University (2021).

Dhaliwal, Ranjodh Singh. “Rendering the Computer: A Political Diagrammatology of Technology.” Advisor: Colin Milburn. University of California, Davis (2021).

Dhein, Kelle. “The Meaning of Meaning in Insect Navigation Research.” Advisor: Beckett Sterner. Arizona State University (2021).

Diederich, Inga Kim. “Blood of the Nation: Medical Eugenics, Bio-Nationalism, and Identity Formation in Cold War South Korea.” Advisor: Todd A. Henry. University of California, San Diego (2021).

DiLeonardi, Sean. “Improbable Realism: The Postwar American Novel and the Digital Aesthetic.” Advisor: Florence Dore. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2021).

Donahue, Evan. “Android Linguistics: How Machines Do Things with Words.” Advisor: Mark B. N. Hansen. Duke University (2021).

Dong, Li. “Imitative Professionalization: Law and Medicine in Early Twentieth-Century China.” Advisor: Andrew Abbott. University of Chicago (2021).

England, Josh. “Olives in the Mountains: A Case Study of the Roman City of Sagalassos.” Advisor: Hugh Elton. Trent University (Canada) (2021).

Frey, Syan. “Drawing on Darwinism: Rewriting the Origin of Louis Sullivan’s Idea.” Advisor: Michaelangelo Sabatino. Illinois Institute of Technology (2021).

Gee, John. “The Contradictions of Cultural Reform: Progressive Colonial Anthropology in the US and Mexico, 1930-1975.” Advisor: James T. Kloppenberg. Harvard University (2021).

Giacomo, Carmin. “Astronomy of the Ancient Greeks and Mayas: A Comparison of Scientific Observations and Innovation.” Advisor: Donald Ostrowski and William L. Fash. Harvard University (2021).

Gong, Byoung-gyu. “Exploring Education Cyborg Space: Bibliographic and Metaphor Analysis of Educational Psychology and Artificial Intelligence Studies.” Advisor: Iveta McGurty. Arizona State University (2021).

Goossen, Benjamin W.. “The Year of the Earth (1957-1958): Cold War Science and the Making of Planetary Consciousness.” Advisor: Alison F. Johnson. Harvard University (2021).

Grandin, Sarah. “To Scale: Manufacturing Grandeur in the Age of Louis XIV.” Advisor: Ewa Lajer-Burcharth. Harvard University (2021).

Horton, Mary E. Kollmer. “A (Un)Natural Alliance: Medical Education and the Humanities the Rise and Fall of the Institute on Human Values in Medicine 1971-1981.” Advisor: Mark W. Risjord. Emory University (2021).

Howell, Christopher . “Designer Science: A History of Intelligent Design in America.” Advisor: David Morgan. Duke University (2021).

Iqbal, Sharrissa. “Alternative Abstractions: Art and Science in Twentieth-Century Los Angeles.” Advisor: Cecile Whiting. University of California, Irvine (2021).

Jacobs, Lizbeth V.. “Perspectives on the Origins and Effects of Racial Ideology: Key Arguments in Contemporary Scholarship.” Advisor: James Herron. Harvard University (2021).

Jiang, Qingfan. “Toward a Global Enlightenment: Music, Missionaries, and the Construction of a Universal History in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century China and Europe.” Advisor: Elaine Sisman. Columbia University (2021).

Jones, E. Bennett. “The Indians Say’: Settler Colonialism and the Scientific Study of North America, 1722 to 1848.” Advisor: Susan J. Pearson and Lydia Barnett. Northwestern University (2021).

Kaczmar, Dawn. “Disability and Race in British Literature, 1580-1833.” Adela Pinch and Michael C. SchoenfeldtUniversity of Michigan (2021).

Kerudin, Ammielle A.. “Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae Ancient DNA.” Advisor: Terence A. Brown. University of Manchester (UK) (2021).

Kilgour, Lauren. “Designed to Shame: Electronic Ankle Monitors and the Politics of Carceral Technology.” Advisor: Karen E. C. Levy. Cornell University (2021).

Kirschenmann, Rachael Leigh. “Mosquito Beaters and Rockets: Cape Canaveral’s People and Technology from Orange Groves to Apollo.” Thomas ZellerUniversity of Maryland, College Park (2021).

Kitchens, Matthew S.. “The First Space Race, 1914-1933: How the Press Shaped Spaceflight.” Advisor: Pierre Asselin. San Diego State University (2021).

Kumar, Siva Prashant. “Colonizing Time: Caste, Colonial Rule, and the Exact Sciences in India, 1783–1874.” Advisor: Projit Bihari Mukharji. University of Pennsylvania (2021).

Lazaroff-Puck, Cameron. “What Theories Are Made Of: How Industry and Culture Shaped Maxwell’s Theories of Electromagnetism.” Advisor: Michel Janssen and Jennifer Karns Alexander. University of Minnesota (2021).

Levine, Zachary. “The Illuminating Case: The Case Study Method in the Fin-De-siècle French Brain and Mind Sciences.” Advisor: Samuel Moyn. Columbia University (2021).

Lime, Sarah McDonald. “Policing Black Bodies across the Atlantic: Examining German and American Anti-Black Racism.” Advisor: Priscilla Layne. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2021).

Lovett, Jessica Manning. “The Sound Culture of Space Science.” Advisor: Ken McLeod and Gregory Johnston. University of Toronto (2021).

McDowell, Robin. “Swamp Capitalism: Ecology, Extraction, and the Roots of Environmental Racism in Louisiana.” Advisor: Walter Johnson. Harvard University (2021).

McMullan, Luke Anthony. “The Rise of Philology in Britain: Explaining the Progress of Knowledge, 1750–1859.” Advisor: Clifford Siskin. New York University (2021).

Moore, Deirdre. “The Heart of Red: Cochineal in Colonial Mexico and India.” Advisor: Katharine Park and Shigehisa Kuriyama. Harvard University (2021).

Morgenstern, Tyler David. “Colonial Recursion and Decolonial Maneuver in the Cybernetic Diaspora.” Advisor: Cristina Venegas. University of California, Santa Barbara (2021).

Moritz, Evan. “Interplanetary Interventions: Performative Possibilities for Anti-Colonialist Visions of Mars.” Advisor: Eero Laine. State University of New York at Buffalo (2021).

Nathaniel, Steven Andrew. “Inaudible Modernism: Techno-Aesthetic Listening in Literature and Film.” Advisor: Nikki Skillman. Indiana University (2021).

O’Neil, Lindsey. “Reparative Forms: Poetry and Psychology from the Fin De Siècle to Wwi.” Advisor: . University of Maryland, College Park (2021).

Patton, Hannah Nicole. “A Culture of Control: Progressive Era Eugenics in South Carolina as a Continuation of Created White Supremacy.” Advisor: Joseph Adam November. University of South Carolina (2021).

Pratte, Anne-Sophie. “Mapping the Steppe: The Politics of Cartography in Qing Mongolia, 1780-1911.” Advisor: Mark C Elliott. Harvard University (2021).

Priesendorf, Emma Jo. “Trilobites and the Culture of Wonder in Antebellum America.” Advisor: Matthew Warner Osborn. University of Missouri (2021).

Prinster, Scott Gerard. “Reading the Bible Scientifically: Science and the Rise of Modern Biblical Criticism in the Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century United States.” Advisor: Susan Eyrich Lederer. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2021).

Robison, Kathryn. “Making the Case for Space: Employing Political Communication to Set Domestic and International Policy.” Advisor: Derrick Frazier and Stephen Borrelli. University of Alabama (2021).

Ross, Christian H.. “Editing Engagement: Visions of Science, Democracy, and Responsibility in Gene Editing Discourse.” Advisor: James Benjamin Hurlbut and Jane A. Maienschein. Arizona State University (2021).

Sease, Kasey Marie. “Marketing Agencies for Science: Nonprofits, Public Science Education, and Capitalism in Modern America.” Advisor: Adrienne Petty. The College of William and Mary (2021).

Seaton, Andrew. “The National Health Service and the Endurances of British Social Democracy, 1948 to the Present.” Advisor: Guy Ortolano. New York University (2021).

Seitz, Emily A.. “Prescribing Pregnancy Loss: Women Physicians and the Changing Boundaries of Fetal Life in Nineteenth-Century America.” Advisor: Lori D. Ginzberg and Erin Heidt-Forsythe. Pennsylvania State University (2021).

Shabtay, Talia Bess. “See, Think, Learn: Creativity and Limits in Early Cold War Art and Technology.” Advisor: Hannah Feldman. Northwestern University (2021).

Summers, Mark H.. “Reframing Relics: Visible and Material Sanctity in Monstrance Reliquaries.” Advisor: Thomas E. A. Dale. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2021).

Trainque, Jarrod. “Where No Genome Has Gone Before: Star Trek and Genetic Medicine at the Advent of Gene Therapy.” Advisor: Nadine M. Weidman. Harvard University (2021).

Trangoš, Guy Jano. “Fortress Science: The Spatialities of Radio Astronomy.” Advisor: Neil Brenner. Harvard University (2021).

Venters, Scott Anthony. “The (Im)Mediate Animal: Interspecies Entanglements in Early Enlightenment Transactions.” Advisor: Odai Johnson. University of Washington (2021).

Vidan, Gili. “Trading on Trust: Cryptographic Authentication and Digital Decentralization in the United States, 1968–2000.” Advisor: Sheila Jasanoff. Harvard University (2021).

Vignone, Joseph Leonardo. “Bodies of Knowledge: Medicine, Memory, and Enhancement in Medieval Islam.” Advisor: Khaled El-Rouayheb and Ahmed Ragab. Harvard University (2021).

Walsh, Renee Rose. “Think Like a Nurse: A Qualitative Case Study in Using Nursing’s Past to Enhance the Quality of Nursing’s Future.” Advisor: Margaret Broderick and Joanna Vance. Northcentral University (2021).

Warech, Steven. “The Serpentine Genesis of Hysteria: Psychoanalysis, Photography, Artificial Intelligence.” Advisor: John Tagg. State University of New York at Binghamton (2021).

Westbrook, Eric C.. “A Forest of Fire: Limning Materiality and Interpretation in the Morphology of the Longleaf Pine Forest as a Cultural Landscape.” Advisor: Tyler McCreary. Florida State University (2021).

Yagel Gouvêa, Devin Susanne. “Essentially Dynamic Concepts and the Case of “Homology”.” Advisor: Robert John Richards. University of Chicago (2021).

Yermakova, Anya. “An Embodied History of Math and Logic in Russian-Speaking Eurasia.” Advisor: Peter Galison. Harvard University (2021).

2022 — (46 citations)

Arehart, Brent. “Sexual Medicine in the Roman Empire.” Advisor: Peter van Minnen. Cincinnati, University of (2022).

Azimi, Arman. “Petroleum, Health, and Power: The Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Colonial Dimensions of Company Medicine in Iran, 1902–1931.” Advisor: Ervand Abrahamian. New York, City University of (2022).

Babushkina, Alla Edouardovna. “The King’s Sick Body: The Spiritual and Social Implications of Arnau of Vilanova’s Regimen sanitatis.” Advisor: Suzanne Conklin Akbari. University of Toronto (2022).

Brewer, Amanda Lynn. “Care and Therapy: Food and the Institutionalized Mentally Ill in the Long Progressive Era.” Advisor: Naoko Wake. Michigan State University (2022).

Bui, Keva X.. “Technologies of the Cold War Human: Race, Science, and U.S. Militarism in Asia and the Pacific.” Advisor: Erin Suzuki and Shelley Streeby. University of California, San Diego (2022).

Carter, Noni D.. “Homo Narrans: In Pursuit of Science’s Fictions of the ‘Human’ in Eighteenth-Century Science and Contemporary Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction.” Advisor: Madeleine Dobie. Columbia University (2022).

Cobblah, Anoff. “The Work of Playful Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain.” Advisor: Lucy Hartley. University of Michigan (2022).

Doyle-Raso, John. “The Origination and Implementation of the National Wetlands Policy of Uganda: Environment, Knowledge, and Power from the Late Nineteenth Century to Present.” Advisor: Laura Fair. Michigan State University (2022).

Duffee, Charlotte Mary. “Fractures: A History and Philosophy of Patient Suffering in 20th-Century American Medicine.” Advisor: Ross Upshur. University of Toronto (2022).

Forgione, Marco. “History and Philosophy of Feynman’s Electrodynamics: From the Absorber Theory of Radiation to Feynman Diagrams.” Advisor: Michael Stöltzner. University of South Carolina (2022).

Golding, Rebecca Lampert. “Visualizing Medicine in the Twelfth Century: Bodily Disease, Spiritual Cure, and Christian Salvation.” Advisor: Adam S. Cohen. University of Toronto (2022).

Gurstelle, Krystyna Herian. “Uneven Paths to Health and Healing: Medicine, Politics and Power in 19th Century America.” Advisor: Merel Visse. Drew University (2022).

Hatakeyama, Sumiko. “Chromosome Stories: How Scientists Tracked Radiation Risk after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Advisor: Mary Susan Lindee. University of Pennsylvania (2022).

Killion, Kimberly. “The Agricultural Chemist at the Table: Land Grant Colleges, Experiment Stations, and the Birth of Nutrition Science in the United States, 1887-1930.” Advisor: Rebecca McLennan. University of California, Berkeley (2022).

Konerman-Sease, Jaime. “From Cure to Care: a Practical Theology of Health According to Jane Austen.” Advisor: Jeffrey P. Bishop. Saint Louis University (2022).

Kumbhar, Kiran Sambhaji. “Healing and Harming: The “Noble Profession” of Medicine in Post-Independence India, 1947-2015.” Advisor: David S. Jones. Harvard University (2022).

Lalevee, Thomas. “From Perfectibility to Progress: The Search for a Science of Society in France, 1750-1850.” Advisor: Alexander Cook. Australian National University (2022).

Ling, Biying. “How “Quantity” Disappeared from Philosophies of Measurement: Perspectives from 19th Century Sciences.” Advisor: Robert John Richards. University of Chicago (2022).

Lockhart, Jeffrey W.. “Establishing Sex: The Scientific Quest to Support a Controversial Binary.” Advisor: Erin A. Cech and Elizabeth E. Bruch. University of Michigan (2022).

Majeski, Anna Theresa. “Visualizing the Cosmos in Trecento Padua: From Giotto di Bondone to Giusto de’ Menabuoi.” Advisor: Alexander Nagel. New York University (2022).

McEuen, Branden. “A Program of Race Betterment: The Emergence and Evolution of Eugenic Ideas in Michigan.” Advisor: William T. Lynch. Wayne State University (2022).

McNeill, Elizabeth A.. “Speaking of Animals: Animal Psychology between Experimental Science and Imagination (1840-1920).” Advisor: Andreas Gailus and Kristin Dickinson. University of Michigan (2022).

Mendon-Plasek, Aaron Louis. “Genealogies of Machine Learning, 1950-1995.” Advisor: Matthew L. Jones. Columbia University (2022).

Milera, Caitlin Marie. “Ms. Pearl Irma Young: “Raising Hell” for Women in STEM Fields and Women at NASA, 1914 – 1968.” Advisor: Deborah Worley. University of North Dakota (2022).

Mitchell, Micky R.. “Dreams in Romantic Science and Literature.” Advisor: Stephen A. Tedeschi. The University of Alabama (2022).

Murel, Jacob. “(In)Stability and (Re)Creation in the English Print Reception of Vesalian Anatomical Illustrations: A Material-Hermeneutical and Text Analytic Study in Transnational Early Modern Bibliography.” Advisor: Erika Boeckeler. Northeastern University (2022).

Nero, Andrea. “Beggars and Kings: Marginalized People in the Discourses of Early American Scientific Societies.” Advisor: Erik Seeman. State University of New York at Buffalo (2022).

Newby, Diana Rose. “Passive Life: Vitalism and British Fiction, 1820-1880.” Advisor: Nicholas Dames. Columbia University (2022).

Nichols, Tiffany . “Constructing Stillness: Theorization, Discovery, Interrogation, and Negotiation of the Expanded Laboratory of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.” Advisor: Peter Galison. Harvard University (2022).

Palmieri, Kristine. “Philology as a Way of Knowing: Classical Philology in the Reformed German Universities, 1730–1830.” Advisor: Robert John Richards and Lorraine J. Daston. University of Chicago (2022).

Puckett, James A. “A Science of Literature: Ethnology and the Collection of Indigenous Oral Traditions in the United States.” Advisor: James Salazar. Temple University (2022).

Ray, Sara. “Monsters in the Cabinet: Anatomical Collecting, Embryology, and Bodily Difference in Holland, 1664-1850.” Advisor: Beth Linker. University of Pennsylvania (2022).

Reich, Robin S.. “Materials of Science in Norman Sicily: Translation, Transmission, and Trade in the Central Mediterranean Corridor.” Advisor: Adam Kosto. Columbia University (2022).

Reynolds, Sarah Jozina. “Engaging Experiments: U.S. Science Education Before the Laboratory Method.” Advisor: James H. Capshew and Jutta Schickore. Indiana University (2022).

Rosson, Lois. “The Astronomical Realists: The Social Mechanics of Visual Documentation, Art, and the American Space Age, 1944 – 1987.” Advisor: Cathryn L. Carson. University of California, Berkeley (2022).

Schoenstein, Tasha L.. “Computer Science on Campus: Technology, (Inter)Disciplinarity, and the Transformation of the American University.” Advisor: Peter Galison. Harvard University (2022).

Sequeira, Rovel Jerome Alex. “The Nation and Its Deviants: Global Sexology and the Racial Grammar of Sex in Colonial India, 1870-1940.” Advisor: Ania Loomba. University of Pennsylvania (2022).

Server, Steven Blake. “A Test of Conscience: Navigating Mexico’s Servicio Médico-Social (1935–1940).” Advisor: Emilio Kourí. University of Chicago (2022).

Sposini, Filippo Maria. “The Certification of Insanity: Local Origins and Global Consequences.” Advisor: Marga Vicedo and Mark Solovey. University of Toronto (2022).

Thompson, Scott C.. “The Social Ecology of Character: British Naturalism and the Mid-Victorian Sensation Novel.” Advisor: Peter Melville Logan. Temple University (2022).

Varga, Ian J.. “Reviving the Search for Life: Astrobiology, NASA, and the Politics of Science in the Late Twentieth-Century United States.” Advisor: Ronald E. Doel. Florida State University (2022).

Wang, Arthur. “Minor Theories of Everything: On Popular Science and Contemporary Fiction.” Advisor: John Durham Peters and Amy Hungerford. Yale University (2022).

Wesner, Samantha Stinson. “Galvanizing the Citizen: Electricity and Revolutionary Energy in the Age of Democratic Revolutions.” Advisor: Paul Friedland. Cornell University (2022).

Yang, Elisabeth M.. “Constructing Moral Babies: The Medical and Scientific Enterprise of Infancy in America, 1850s–1920s.” Advisor: John Wall. Rutgers University (2022).

Yellum, Iris. “Revaluing Viability: Science and Legumes in Indian Agriculture.” Advisor: Sunil S. Amrith and Ajantha Subramanian. Harvard University (2022).

Yi, Jongsik Christian. “More-Than-People’s Communes: Veterinary Workers, Nonhuman Animals, and One Health in Mao-Era China.” Advisor: Victor Kian Giap Seow. Harvard University (2022).

2023 — (90 citations)

Adams, Spencer. “Polar Futurism and the Labors of Knowledge Production.” Advisor: Nasser Basem Zakariya. University of California, Berkeley (2023).

Ahn, Eun-Joo. “Making a Factory Observatory: Mount Wilson, Regional Development, and the Environment in Southern California, 1900–1930.” Advisor: W. Patrick McCray. University of California, Santa Barbara (2023).

Angel, Sebastian Diaz. “Weaponizing Geography: An Environmental and Technological History of Cold War Mega-Projects in Latin America.” Advisor: Raymond B. Craib. Cornell University (2023).

Aralere, Tejas Subramanya. “Astrological Melothesia in Ancient Rome and India: Intercultural Conversations in Religion, Medicine, and Technical Science.” Advisor: Francis M. Dunn. University of California, Santa Barbara (2023).

Arkenberg, Megan. “Problems of Life and Mind in Late Victorian Speculative Fiction.” Advisor: Kathleen Frederickson. University of California, Davis (2023).

Arnet, Evan. “Entrenchment and Reflection in Science: Three Studies From Animal Behavior Research.” Advisor: Sander Joel Gliboff and Jutta Shickore. Indiana University (2023).

Asfaha, Dina Michael. “Organic Clinicians: Medicine, Sovereignty, and Sustainability in Eritrea, 1961-2022.” Advisor: Adriana Petryna. University of Pennsylvania (2023).

Aymak, Özlem. “Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Bilimsel Okuryazarlık Düzeyleri Ve Bilim Tarihine Yönelik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi.” Advisor: Hülya Hamurcu. Dokuz Eylul Universitesi (Turkey) (2023).

Balug, Katarzyna. “Leaky Systems: Inflatable Architecture and the Post-Lunar Imaginary (1965-1974).” Advisor: K. Michael Hays. Harvard University (2023).

Brazier, Hayley G.. “Seafloor Machina: Aging Technologies in the Depths of the Pacific Ocean.” Advisor: Marsha L. Weisiger and Mark Carey. University of Oregon (2023).

Burrington, Ingrid. “War Crystals, Everlasting Metal, and Space-Time Annihilation: Excavating the Historical Geography of Early Digital Electronics.” Advisor: Julie Michelle Klinger. University of Delaware (2023).

Burton, Dana I.. “Evidencing Life: Thresholds of Biology and Scientific Operations Beyond Earth.” Advisor: Ilana Feldman. George Washington University (2023).

Buser, Allison Marie. “A Barometer of Scientific Culture: The Debated Role of American Science at the 1850’s Smithsonian Institution.” Advisor: Colleen Woods. University of Maryland, College Park (2023).

Carver, Erik Brent. “Ordering Modernity: The American Architectural Profession between Fact and Law, 1786-1884.” Advisor: Reinhold Martin. Columbia University (2023).

Champine, Tyler A.. “As the Snake Sheds Its Skin: The Revolutionary Art and Science of Alexander Bogdanov.” Advisor: Nathan Crick. Texas A&M University (2023).

Chattopadhyay, Sohini. “Dead Labor: Urban Technologies of Mass Death in Colonial Bombay and Calcutta, the 1880s – 1950s.” Advisor: Anupama Rao. Columbia University (2023).

Chen, Hsiao-Ling. “Americanized and Localized Biomedicine in Postwar Taiwan, 1940s-1980s.” Advisor: Jonathan H. Sadowsky. Case Western Reserve University (2023).

Chun, Philippa. “Memento Mori: Attending to the Dead in Nineteenth-Century American Literature.” Advisor: Shirley Samuels. Cornell University (2023).

Cochrane, Sally Fama. “Science at the Nineteenth-Century École Des Beaux-Arts.” Advisor: Katja Guenther and D. Graham Burnett. Princeton University (2023).

Cole, Kathryn. “An Exploration of the Matching Polynomial.” Advisor: Margaret Bayer. University of Kansas (2023).

Dickau, Joel. “Inventing Texture: Food Science and Culinary Culture in Postwar America.” Advisor: Jeffrey M. Pilcher. University of Toronto (2023).

Fernandez, Leslie J.. “Asiandroid: Techno-Orientalism and the AI Imaginary.” Advisor: Sherryl Vint. University of California, Riverside (2023).

Fisher, Victoria Jane Louise. “Getting Down to Brass & Wax: The Material Culture of Physics at Canadian Universities, 1890-1939.” Advisor: Chen-Pang Yeang and Rebecca J. H. Woods. University of Toronto (2023).

Foreman, Matthew Wong. “To Mix or Not to Mix: Race Science, Miscegenation, and the Making of the Chinese Race.” Advisor: Jutta Schickore. Northwestern University (2023).

Gámez, Santiago Guzmán. “Science for Colombia : Scientific Nationalism, and the Case of Enrique Pérez Arbeláez, 1929-1957.” Advisor: . University of London, University College London (United Kingdom (2023).

Glickman, Susannah. “Histories, Tech, and a New Central Planning.” Advisor: Matthew L. Jones. Columbia University (2023).

Goldsmith, Mitch. “The Unfinished Business of Anna Kingsford: Science, Enchantment, and Experiments on Animals.” Advisor: Stefan Dolgert. Brock University (Canada) (2023).

Green, Brandon Robert. “The Artist’s Code: Technology and the Optimization of Creativity in Hollywood.” Advisor: Steve Anderson. University of California, Los Angeles (2023).

Guerner, Mariana de Ataíde. “António da Silva Leal: O Professor, o Cirurgião e o Homem de Relação.” Advisor: Maria Amélia Ricon Ferraz and Silvestre Carneiro. Universidade do Porto (2023).

Hoyt, Andrew Mitchell. “Ecology, Settler Colonialism, and the Environments of the American Midwest: The Science and Politics of Ecological Restoration Since 1950.” Advisor: Stephen A. Bocking. Trent University (Canada) (2023).

Hsieh, Shinyi. “Pluralizing Postcoloniality from a Standpoint of Margins: A Historical Detour of Global Health and Imperial Regimes in Postwar Taiwan Through the Traces of the Marginalized.” Advisor: Dorothy Porter. University of California, San Francisco (2023).

Hutcheson, Emily S.. “The Living Seas: Marine Algae, Symbiosis and the Modern Conception of Coral Reefs 1880-1930.” Advisor: Lynn K. Nyhart. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2023).

Jackson, Rebecca L.. “Measuring “Well”: Clinical Measuring Practices and Philosophy of Measurement.” Advisor: Jutta Schickore. Indiana University (2023).

Karakaya, Asiye Şefi̇ka Sümeyye Kapusuz. “Evreni̇n Sonu: Kelam Ilmi̇ ve Modern Bi̇li̇m Açisindan Bi̇r Karşilaştirma.” Advisor: Mehmet Bulgen. Marmara Universitesi (2023).

Kindel, Alexander T.. “Observing Prestige: Visibility and Performance in the Sociology of Knowledge.” Advisor: Brandon Stewart. Princeton University (2023).

Kitchen, Emma Leigh. “The Aurochs Through Time: A History of Integrating Timescales and Disciplines in the Study of the Ancestral Cow.” Advisor: Robert John Richards. The University of Chicago Press (2023).

Lanier-Christensen, Colleen. “Toxic Rules: Chemical Regulation, International Trade, and the Epistemic Consequences of Standardized Practices.” Advisor: Naomi Oreskes. Harvard University (2023).

Launchbaugh, Megan. “This Land Is Our Land: Tree Planting and Environmental Construction on the Nebraska Prairie.” Advisor: David D. Vail. University of Nebraska at Kearney (2023).

Lavin, Analia. “El Llamado De La Naturaleza: Cultura científica, Espiritualidad y Secularismo En El Movimiento Naturista Uruguayo De Principios Del Siglo XX.” Advisor: Ronald D. Briggs. Columbia University (2023).

Lester, Gustave. “Mineral Lands, Mineral Empire: Mapping the Raw Materials of US Industrial Capitalism, 1780-1880.” Advisor: Naomi Oreskes. Harvard University (2023).

Li, Lin. “On a New Taxonomy of Concepts and Conceptual Change: A Probabilistic Frame of Reference and Its Experimental Manifestations.” Advisor: George Zhou. University of Windsor (Canada) (2023).

Lindquist, Benjamin Charles. “Conversational Computing: Speech Synthesis From Assistive Technology to Artificial Intelligence, 1930–1980.” Advisor: Emily Ann Thompson. Princeton University (2023).

Livoni, Oliver A.. “The Cyclotron: An Animated Motion Picture.” Advisor: C. E. Larson. University of the Pacific (2023).

Loeb, Zachary M.. “Approaching Midnight: Y2k and the World as We Have Come to Know It.” Advisor: Adelheid Clara Voskuhl. University of Pennsylvania (2023).

Lomotey-nakon, Leah Lomokie. “Revisioning Reproductive Health Care Practices Within the Healthcare Industry: A Study in Clinical and Organizational Bioethics.” Advisor: Victor Anderson and Keith G. Meador. Vanderbilt University (2023).

Loranca, Arturo Luna. “The Dog Remains: Mexico City’s Canine Massacres During the Enlightenment, 1770-1821.” Advisor: Javier Villa-Flores. Emory University (2023).

Maddock, Jeffrey T.. “Engineering the Body, Mind, and Soul: Engineering’s Endurance in a Technoscientific Society and the Creation of New Entities Through Power/Knowledge Assemblages and Practical Scientific Technologies in Education.” Advisor: Erika Bullock and Katie Kirchgasler. University of Wisconsin at Madison (2023).

Malcolm, A. V. Aylin. “Every Living Soul: Literature and Zoology in England, 1100–1400.” Advisor: David Wallace. University of Pennsylvania (2023).

Mann, Mary Taylor. “Vascular Aesthetics: Blood and British Poetry in the Long Nineteenth Century.” Advisor: Deborah Elise White. Emory University (2023).

Márquez-Osuna, Angélica. “Innovation in the Tropics: The Persistence of Beekeeping Knowledge in the Yucatan Peninsula, 1780-1950.” Advisor: Gabriela Soto Laveaga. Harvard University (2023).

Mayes, Elizabeth Carolina. “Are You in or Out? Constructing Populations and Population Health in Genetics and Genomics.” Advisor: Daniel Navon and Martha Lampland. University of California, San Diego (2023).

McGovern, Michael F. . “Justice in Numbers: Statistics and the Transformation of Civil Rights in Modern America.” Advisor: Erika Lorraine Milam and Keith Wailoo. Princeton University (2023).

McManus, Alison Lynn. “The Other Chemists’ War: The Uses, Dual Uses, and Abuses of Chemical Weapons in World War II.” Advisor: Michael D. Gordin. Princeton University (2023).

Moore, Brantly H.. “Articulate Furnishings: German Cabinetmakers and the Construction of Elite Experience and Intellectual Culture, 1550–1650.” Advisor: Marika Keblusek. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2023).

Morris, Timothy Robert. “Science, Secularism, and Literary Form in Antebellum America.” Advisor: Meredith L. McGill. Rutgers University (2023).

Moser, Scott J.. “Frozen in Time: The Disconnection of the Bell Picturephone.” Advisor: John R. Haddad. Pennsylvania State University (2023).

Mylet, Jordan. ““Dope Hope”: Synanon House and the Makings of a Recovery Counterculture, 1945-1965.” Advisor: Rebecca Jo Plant and Luis Alvarez. University of California, San Diego (2023).

Nelson, John Paul. “Progressibility: Why Can Some Technologies Improve More Rapidly Than Others?.” Advisor: Daniel R. Sarewitz. Arizona State University (2023).

Nueno, Xavier. “The Statistical Order of Knowledge: A Social and Intellectual History of Search Engines.” Advisor: Peter Galison. Harvard University (2023).

O’Brien, Jenne Praeger. “Making the Manifold Bernhard Riemann’s Habilitation Lecture, Mathematics, and German Universities.” Advisor: Michael D. Gordin. Princeton University (2023).

Oh, Yoehan. “Heterogeneous Navigating Through Platform Expansionisms/Protectionisms: The Sociotechnical Construction of Naver, 2000-2019.” Advisor: James W. Malazita. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2023).

Ore, Peter Dewey. “The Origins of Control: Air Pollution and the American State, 1910 – 1938.” Advisor: Ronald L. Breiger. The University of Arizona (2023).

Øye, Victoria Bugge. ““You Must Relax”: Stress and Environmental Health in the Work of Coop Himmelblau, 1969-1977.” Advisor: Beatriz Colomina and Spyros Papapetros. Princeton University (2023).

Özdemir, Gözde Çokyaşar. “Yer Bilimi Dersinde Bilim Tarihi Temelli Dijital Hikâye Uygulamalarının Etkililiğinin Incelenmesi: fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adayları Örneği.” Advisor: Fatma Öztürk. Marmara Universitesi (2023).

Parker, Adam M.. “Neither Cogs nor Wrenches: Workers, Unions, and the Political Economy of Automation.” Advisor: Nikhar Gaikwad. Columbia University (2023).

Petrella, Erin Jo. “On Naming and Knowing Plants: Botanical Latin From Pliny the Elder to Otto Brunfels’ 1530 Herbarum Vivae Eicones.” Advisor: Carmela Franklin. Columbia University (2023).

Randolph, Asia R.. “A Critical Discourse Analysis of HBCUs and Their Place in Science and Technology From 1979–80 as Told by Four National Newspapers.” Advisor: Pamela Eddy. The College of William and Mary (2023).

Riedler, Pallas Catenella Choi. “Virtual Economies and Spectral Space: Opera and Immersive Technology in the Late Nineteenth Century.” Advisor: Melina Esse. University of Rochester (2023).

Rosen, Izzy. “Skin Surveillance Technologies and the Transformation of the Marked Body in History, Theory, and Practice: A Study of Free Skin’s Reclamation and Exploration.” Advisor: Jayna Brown and Mendi Obadike. Pratt Institute (2023).

Roughan, Christine. “The Little Astronomy and Middle Books between the 2nd and 13th Centuries CE: Transmissions of Astronomical Curricula.” Advisor: Alexander Jones. New York University (2023).

Ryan, Cara. “Making a Modern French Autism: Constructing the Aspie.” Advisor: Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp. New York University (2023).

Sager, Kaitlin. “Embodied Temporalities: Reproduction, Illness, and Chronobiopolitics in Medieval France.” Advisor: Jonathan Morton. Tulane University (2023).

Sarti, Luna. “Florence’s Great Floods (1333-1966): Stories of Water, Kinship, and Capitalism.” Advisor: Eva Del Soldato and Nikhil Anand. University of Pennsylvania (2023).

Schantz, Matthew. “Evolution and Fantasy in the Stalinist Scientific Imagination.” Advisor: Justin Weir. Harvard University (2023).

Schluter, Benjamin Dillon. “After Geo-Graphy: Oceanic Turns in German Thought and Culture Around 1800.” Advisor: Leif Weatherby. New York University (2023).

Schneider, Jeremy Robin. “Reawakening the Ammonites: A History of the Lost World, 1500-1900.” Advisor: Anthony T. Grafton and Jennifer M. Rampling. Princeton University (2023).

Schult, Anne. “Counting the Countless: Statistics, Demography, and the Making of the Modern Refugee, 1920s-1950s.” Advisor: Stefanos Geroulanos. New York University (2023).

Son, Joonwoo. “Cross-Border Investment in Forms: National Income Accounting and the Making of Reliable Government in Postwar Japan.” Gil EyalColumbia University (2023).

Stackelberg, Emmet Winkle von. “Seeing Through Silver: A Chemical History of Moving Images, 1880–1950.” Advisor: T. J. Jackson Lears. Rutgers University (2023).

Stone, Jay. “Sweet Deception: A History of the Health Politics of Saccharin in the United States.” Advisor: Keith Wailoo and Erika Lorraine Milam. Princeton University (2023).

Torracinta, Simon Joseph. “Economy of Desire: The Sciences of Human Wants, 1870–1950.” Advisor: Joanna M. Radin. Yale University (2023).

Trammell, Dana. “Classical Gynecology: A History of Unrealistic Expectations Defined by Realistic Sexism.” Advisor: Kathryne Beebe and Jennifer Jensen Wallach. University of North Texas (2023).

Tylko, John. “Simulating Apollo: Flight Simulation Technology 1945-1975.” Advisor: David A. Mindell. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT (2023).

Valyi-Nagy, Zsofia. “Vera Molnar’s Programmed Abstraction: Computer Graphics and Geometric Abstract Art in Postwar Europe.” Advisor: Christine Mehring. The University of Chicago Press (2023).

Van Neste, Aaron. “Prophets of Plenty: How Scientists Ignored Natural Complexity and Overpromised Sustainable Fisheries, 1863-Present.” Advisor: Naomi Oreskes. Harvard University (2023).

Wallner, Danielle. “The 1970 All-Union Conference on Programming: Problems and Prospects of Soviet Computing.” Advisor: Gregory Freeze. Brandeis University (2023).

Williams, Madeline J.. “Disability Democracy: The Origins of Blind-Led Organizing in the United States, 1829-1935.” Advisor: David S. Jones. Harvard University (2023).

Woodson-Gammon, Heather E.. “Why the Whales Sing: Music, American Science, and the Genesis of the Cetacean Voice.” Advisor: David Samuels. New York University (2023).

Yoon, Ami. “Casual Things: Poetry, Natural History, and Violence in Nineteenth-Century America.” Advisor: Branka Arsić. Columbia University (2023).

Zoninsein, Leonora. “How a Whale Becomes a Molecule: A Geography of Modern Olfaction.” Advisor: Jake Kosek and Michael Watts. University of California, Berkeley (2023).

2024 — (7 citations)

Andrei, George. “Our Struggle for Existence: Negotiating Forestry, Rural Citizenship, and Statebuilding in Modern Romania.” Advisor: Maria Bucur. Indiana University (2024).

Basile, Nicole Parisina. “Recipes in Many Hands: Local Networks and Empirical Knowledge in the Recetarios of Early Modern Spain.” Advisor: Jesús Velasco. Columbia University (2024).

Driskill, Paul. “Nonhuman Being: Chimeric Forms in Late-Nineteenth Century Literature and Science.” Advisor: Jess Keiser and Joseph Litvak. Tufts University (2024).

Espinosa Tavares, Martha Liliana. “The Science of Family Planning: Mexico’s “Demographic Explosion,” Contraceptive Technologies, and the Power of Expert Knowledge.” Advisor: Jocelyn Olcott. Duke University (2024).

Glahn, Joshua Zev. “Surgical Personalities: A Cultural History of Early 20th Century American Plastic Surgery.” Advisor: John Harley Warner. Yale University (2024).

Maeshiro, Kelly T.. “Cosmic Understanding: Paradigms of Nature in Scientific, Religious, and Philosophical Perspective Part I: The Sacred Science of Creation.” Advisor: Gary Dorrien and John Thatamanil. Union Theological Seminary (2024).

Maurer, Margaret C.. “Everyday Alchemy.” Advisor: Mary Floyd-Wilson. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2024).

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2 responses to “Transactions of the IsisCB: Dissertations”

  1. Lynn Nyhart Avatar
    Lynn Nyhart

    I’m so pleased to see this interesting project! As Judy knows (because, if I recall correctly, she did some of the work on a similar ProQuest dissertation analysis that I undertook in 2012), ProQuest –at least at that time– allowed dissertators to place their tags in rank order. What I found was that “Science History” was much more often a 2nd or 3rd tag. Did you differentiate here in the rank order at all? Are there any plans to analyze programs or institutions sponsoring such research?
    It would be so helpful for our field!
    Best to all of you who make this wonderful resource happen–
    Lynn Nyhart

    1. Stephen Weldon Avatar
      Stephen Weldon

      Thank you, Lynn, for your questions and support for this project.
      We simply use the tag “Science History” to find dissertations to add. Once added, we simply tag it according to subject matter. In the end, self identification is only one way we collect material. There are many dissertations that are relevant to our field and which should be in the database, but that are not tagged for easy identification. This was the great gift that Jonathon Erlen provided, because he was able to scan all dissertations. If we had the time and ability, we would do that as well.
      It has long been a fantasy of mine and other involved CBers to build a genealogy of the field with these dissertations starting from the early 20th century. There is a lot we (or someone else) could do if we manage that. It’s a tall order, however, and it would require a dedicated research team to compile it. The payoffs would be tremendous though.

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